October 18, 2020

Invention from S’pore shortlisted for top James Dyson Award

By brit

Kimia, a device used in knee rehabilitation, was invented by National University of Singapore graduates Aaron Ramzeen and Ricky Guo.

A wearable device that improves outcomes for knee surgery patients, invented in Singapore, has been shortlisted for the top James Dyson Award prize.

The device, named Kimia, invented by National University of Singapore graduates Aaron Ramzeen, 26, and Ricky Guo, 30, made it to the shortlist of the top 20 from among nearly 1,800 entries submitted from around the world.

Technology firm Dyson said that despite challenges brought about by the pandemic, students collaborated virtually to come up with inspiring solutions to global problems.

The nature of the entries reflects a global solidarity among young inventors towards issues such as health and sustainability, it added.

Kimia is a device attached to the knee and gives feedback to physiotherapists on whether recovering patients are doing the prescribed exercises regularly and correctly.

This means therapists can keep track of a patient’s rehabilitation journey and deliver evidence-based personalised prescriptions remotely.

Unlike other devices, Kimia uses a proprietary flexible sensor that ensures highly accurate and consistent data collection that clinicians can rely on to track their patients’ progress, said the inventors.

Besides Kimia, some of the other inventions that made it to the top 20 list include a recyclable glove generation unit called Reglove and a device that captures and recycles tyre wear pollution.

The top prize winner, who will receive £30,000 (S$52,650), will be handpicked by creator and Dyson founder James Dyson himself.

In an earlier interview with The Straits Times, Mr Dyson said that if developed well, there is a huge international market for Kimia as anyone with knee problems would find the device useful.

He was also impressed with young people’s zeal to help the less fortunate in society and their concern for the environment.

The award, which was started 15 years ago to encourage students to use their engineering and design skills to solve problems, has influenced engineering schools in Britain to include design thinking in training engineers.